Just a few months ago, I wrote a blog about my 2nd year anniversary for my work at Asiatrust Development Bank. Now here I am writing about my farewell blog for the bank.
On the first few days of May, I was pretty excited and "obviously" looking forward for my next career. Everyone is really kind of trying to convince me to cancel my resignation especially my Unit and Sector Head but they knew and understand that the reason of my resignation will help and benefit me a lot in terms of travel distant and safety, as well as good opportunity for enhancement of my career as well.
As the effectivity of my resignation comes to a near end. The "obvious" excitement that I felt for my next career has a gradual fight with a growing loneliness inside of me. Two days ago (that was Thursday),people starts to say "good luck" "thank you sa lahat" and "text text nalang" to me. Almost the whole building knows about my resignation.
Yesterday, as I have my last round trip from all the different floors and people that I so called "friendships", I tried to treasure each and every moments with them. The laughter, enjoyment, hardships, team building, parties, reports etc. these are the main part that I would really missed from the people that I'm going to left behind.
Guys and gals! and to my boss 'Ms. Grace Gan, thanks for the wonderful times that I had spent from all of you. Through thick and thin of our bank, we still survived! and I know you guys can still survive. Just remember "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23 from the Bible.
Thanks everyone peepS! way to go AMS!
PS. Mam Mau.. Until now, I really can't get loose of my smile. Smile pa din ako habang tinatype ko ito! hehe =)
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